Min. 120 Hours
General Education Requirements: 34 hours
*BI101 required
Additional General Education Requirements: 21-24 hours
*Students must complete BI204, BI204L, BU225 and MA105 while completing the general education and additional gen. ed. requirements.
Exercise Science Major (38 Hours)
PE202 Motor Learning and Development (3)
EX203 Introduction to Exercise Science (2)
PE210 Personal and Community Health (3)
PE212 First Aid/Community CPR (2)
PE221 Psychology and Sociological Aspects of Physical Education (3)
PE216 Nutrition and Athletic Performance (3)
PE321 Org. and Administration of P.E. and Athletic Programs (2)
PE323 First Aid, Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3)
AH324 Anatomy and Kinesiology (4)
EX327 Physiology of Exercise (3)
EX331 Advanced Exercise Science (3)
PE339 Testing and Measurement in PE (3)
EX440 Program Design (Capstone): includes min. 80-hour internship with a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) (3)
Electives to complete min. 120 hours