Senior Honors Research

The student will arrange for thesis research to be supervised by an appropriate faculty member who agrees to supervise the project. The student will enroll in one section, either discipline specific or interdisciplinary. The research will be supervised and graded by the faculty member, who will ensure that the project goes through multiple drafts. The supervising faculty member will then submit the completed thesis to a committee comprised of two other appropriate faculty members, as well as the President of the University, the Academic Dean, and the Honors Director for a public thesis defense, open to all members of the campus community. The written thesis may be replaced or modified after approval at the divisional level and in consultation with the Honors committee. A student who fails Honors senior thesis cannot retake it for Honors credit, but must instead substitute a regular senior thesis.

Credit hours: 3.0

Additional Prerequisites / Conditions: Nine hours of Honors coursework and approval of supervising faculty.

Last updated: 07/06/2021